
Showing posts from July, 2024

Contest Entry: Sharpbone Opal Mine (by Ben Gibson)

The contest's first entry is a strong one, I would definitely run this as a low level adventure or put it on a hex map as a point of interest to run across randomly or by rumor. Download this and keep it in your back pocket (the format allow you to do this literally, you can print it as a double sided paper and run it right off the page!).  Download it here! What follows is the review according to the strictures of the competition. First, does it qualify? Yes.  - While the PDF is technically 3 pages the cover page is not necessary to run the actual dungeon. Nice to see that it has been playtested. I wonder if the playtest prompted any changes to the original form. - I printed it as a double sided paper and read it in low light. The text is completely legible. The map is both small and faint but the details are clear enough that it could be run from the printed page. If I ran it online I would copy the image from the PDF and blow it up for use on VTT where it would be functional, th

There was another before this

 I can't say for sure if my own competition was based on a faded memory of this one, or if we converged on a similar format. But check out the results of the Adventure Site I  contest (or a review of them ). 2-page dungeons and lairs for inspiration or use at your own table. The flexibility of the format is evident, everything from tiny lairs to medium sized dungeons to wilderness hexes!